
SOBAC SEEDS are mixtures of grasses and cover plants. They are complementary to other SOBAC solutions, the goal being to go further in terms of self-sufficiency.

The seeds range AVAILABLE for: ORGANIC AGRICULTUREmade in France


From the outset, SOBAC has been working in partnership with farmers on production methods that would reduce chemical inputs in favour of an agricultural approach that is cleaner, self-sufficient and protects health, while supporting the economic imperatives of farmers, and meeting consumer expectations particularly the nutritional quality of agricultural products.

Accordingly, SOBAC offers a range of multi-species grasses, cover plants and seeds components of meslin.


  • Fewer diseases and fewer pests
  • Weed control
  • Reduced erosion, capping and runoff
  • Improved soil structure and soil bearing capacity
  • Improved biological activity in soil
  • Competitive yields
  • High-quality, balanced, optimally combined forage
  • Greater self-sufficiency
  • Nitrate traps
  • Less leaching
  • Carbon and nitrogen sink